
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday's snapshot :)

just a little behind this week because of a sick child, but glad to be back and getting back on track!
bear with me in this long post ;)

here are some pictures of Maddox's birthday party Friday.
looks like everyone had a ball!

we practiced the correct formation of Zz on Monday.

we learned to play I Have a Secret- I asked the girls to find a red object and the boys to find a blue object and to group themselves. then I asked the students in what two ways did they just sort themselves (gender and color of object).
next, I asked all the blonde haired students (by name only) to find something to write with and all the dark haired students (by name only) to find something to read. then I asked in what two ways they just sorted themselves (hair color and writing/reading).

we did our online version of My Big World this morning. it's focus was on hatching eggs. 
we watched a video of a baby bird hatching from an egg...

learned that there are animals other than birds that hatch from eggs...

pretended to hatch from an egg...

and then learned to play More Eggs, Please!
the students had to click on the nest with the most eggs in each box.

then the students completed the paper version to bring home and share with their families.

we read I Stink! today and discussed how we could change our voices to match the size of the font.
we revisited the illustrations and discussed the kinds of things people throw away, too.

"Know what I do at night while you're asleep?
Eat your trash, that's what!
With ten wide tires, one really big appetite, and an even bigger smell, this truck's got it all. His job? Eating your garbage and loving every stinky second of it!
And you thought nighttime was just for sleeping."

we always know when spring training is going on when we see football players running the loop.
the students love cheering them on every year!

and especially love when they wave back!

we had fun forming play-dough Z's Tuesday!

we read Something from Nothing today. 
we focused on making predictions and our vocabulary words: something and nothing.
"A modern adaptation of this favorite Jewish folktale describes how the blanket grandfather had made for young Joseph is transformed over the years into a jacket, a button, and, ultimately, a story."

our old friend Presley helped us make a list of things we throw away at home...

and a list of things we throw away at school.

then we used those two lists to make a Venn diagram.
we found out there's a lot of common garbage!

question of the day:
what did you throw away today?


Coke cans







and we also watched Peppa Pig Recycling

Thursday, we had music with Ms. Poole and began a new investigation; Where does trash go?
we watched an eBook Sam Helps Recycle

"Sam the family dog is eager to help with the recycling, but he's worried when he spies his beloved food bowl perched a top the pile."

we talked about what it means to recycle and then visited our school's recycling bins.
Kaitlyn even brought some recyclables from home!

we also began our recycling web today!

some members from the UWA Women's Soccer team came to discuss the clinic coming up and to show us some basic moves. 
the clinic will be March 18th 3:30-5:30 and is for ages 4 and up. it will be at Tiger Stadium and is free of charge.