
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy hOWLoween!

We have had a great party day today!
The dance and gymnastic teachers hosted a Halloween party this morning full of dancing and treats!
This afternoon Alpha Phi Omega held trunk-or-treating in the parking lot for us!

silly string attack!!! 

Then we had our Halloween party! Ms. Brooke and I decorated the tables while the students were at PE with Miss Jenna. We even turned the lights down to make it spoooooky!

happy hOWLoween from Ms. Jaysa's K4 class!


Halloween SWAP

Dr. Minear's Senior Block education students did our monthly SWAP (Stations with Awesome People) yesterday. There were four different stations the students rotated to.
At the first station, the students listened to a Halloween book and then made Monster Mush.

You can find the recipe {here}.
The next station the students attended a spooky puppet show about 5 Little Pumpkins.

Five Little Pumpkins

Five little Pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said "My, it's getting late."
The second one said, "There are witches in the air."
The third one said, "But we don’t care."
The forth one said, "We’ll run and run and run."
The fifth one said, "It's just Halloween fun."
"Whooooo" went the wind.
And out went the light.
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of site.


Then the students created "torn paper art."


Our third station was magical! The students were asked if they knew how to blow up a balloon without using their mouths...then discovered the magic of baking soda and vinegar!
You can find the directions {here}.

The students also made Halloween pop-out cards.

And at our final station, the students listened to Big Words for Little People by Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell.

 Then they were shown Halloween words and asked to find the letters to replicate each word. The first word was Halloween. They did an excellent job in finding their letters and made me proud!
Then the students enjoyed a snack of bat pita chips with orange ranch dressing, baby carrots, and Vampire Spit!
(Sprite, lime sherbert, and gummy worms)

Thank you to Dr. Minear and students for a great morning!
We hope you enjoyed this learning experience with us!