
Friday, November 21, 2014

this week's snapshot

Rob and Miles (and the weather) are putting our classroom in the mood for Christmas!!!

we learned a new addition math game this week. the students learned how to represent addition using a die, objects, and an equation.

they had a great time making goofy turkeys, too. I ran off the pieces but gave them no instruction on putting them together and had fun watching them in action. 

our limited centers this week:

Build a Turkey using tangram blocks...

symmetrical drawings in art...

and building turkey farms in blocks...

Thanksgiving word scramble...

setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner...

and fingerpainting cornucopias.

we also made placemats to be used at our Thanksgiving Feast Friday with our families and to be taken home for the week.

Write the Room "Thankful"

we have been discussing and learning about the First Thanksgiving and present day Thanksgiving all week. we have been taking virtual field trips on Scholastic and watching videos to learn about what it would have been like and comparing it to our Thanksgivings with our families.

Wednesday we described the colors, styles, and textures of different foods that people cook for Thanksgiving. we talked about the foods and decided how to group them together. the students talked about their favorite Thanksgiving food and why.

we also had fun learning how to draw a turkey and making our turkey glyphs!

we have been practicing for our Thanksgiving program which will feature both English and Chinese songs. we hope you will enjoy all our hard work!

the students had fun putting together an easy reader, Hide Turkey Hide!, and practicing their position words, too.

and here are the little gobblers on their big day!
the shirts they made turned out great! such an awesome keepsake!

thank you to all the parents who could make it to the program. I know it's hard to get off work but it means to the world to them. and to us. :)

I hope you all have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!
and gobble till you wobble! :)))