
Monday, November 30, 2015

this week

Christmas Tree Lighting at the Student Union Building at 6:00 p.m. Students should wear their Christmas pajamas and meet their teachers by the Book Store doors at 5:55 p.m. They will be the first to perform. All students must be picked up from the Campus School by 5:30 p.m. 

Mid-year conferences 

Dance and gymnastics
Mid-year conferences

Ms. Ashanti's birthday

SWAP-Open House 9- 11 a.m. All parents are invited to drop by for this special SWAP organized by Dr. Minear and her students. 

Mid-year conferences

Christmas Choir Concert at Bibb Graves at 7:00p.m. The Pre-K and K-5 classes will perform in this event.

UWA Christmas Tree Lighting | tonight

Friday, November 20, 2015

week of November 16 | snapshot

This week was all about Thanksgiving.
We talked about foods that we eat at Thanksgiving and foods that the Pilgrims and Indians ate that first Thanksgiving and what is the same and different.
The students made a list of Thanksgiving foods with Ms. Shelby and then wrote down their 5 favorite.

We also looked at what Pilgrim men and women wore and what their clothing was called. 
We compared and contrasted that with our clothing of today. 
They liked to say coif and breeches the best :)

Thanksgiving is one our few times we make crafts but since we were discussing Pilgrims and their clothing, we decided to make a few Pilgrims of our own and turn them into a bulletin board!
I gave them the materials and minimal direction and they got busy.
We had fun putting them together!

Since we have been talking about being thankful all week it was just fitting that our Write the Room be "thankful!"

The students also made personalized placemats to use over the holidays and I laminated them so you can also keep them as a keepsake. :)

We also learned a lot about our friends' traditions and about other people's traditions this week.
We took a poll in the classroom on a few things before dance and gymnastics started, too.
Here are a few things we found out about each other:

My students always enjoy putting together this goofy turkey.

We watched several educational videos...

 and several fun videos...

Most of them are on my Pinterest Thanksgiving board if you are interested in watching or need them for your classroom!

The students practiced so hard all week for the Thanksgiving program!

And the grownups prepared just as much!

The student bulletin boards turned out great!

Our 'family tree' looked great with some of the totem poles on it!

Everyone did such a good job on their family totem poles! So proud!

And then it was showtime!!!
All my deer hiding from the thanksgiving hunters!!!

I'm hoping my singing doesn't show up in my video  lol :)

The Tooles kept adding the their family tree :D

We are even thankful for Sofia, the hamster!

I hope each and everyone of you reading this has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!!!
Gobble till you wobble!!!