
Thursday, February 14, 2013

yesterday's snapshot

we started our small group off by fingerpainting Ss's 

then moved on to dance

and gymnastics

our question of the day: does your name have an 'S' in it?

our clothing stories for the day:

"A modern adaptation of this favorite Jewish folktale describes how the blanket grandfather had made for young Joseph is transformed over the years into a jacket, a button, and, ultimately, a story."

From the clip, clop of the milkman's mule in early morning to the clic, clac of her father's abacus at night, a young girl tells about a day in her family's store and home in Guatemala City. Every day customers of many heritages speaking Spanish, Chinese, and Mayan come to buy cloth, buttons, and thread in colors like parrot green and mango yellow, and dozens of other items. While the girl's parents and their friends talk about their hometown in China from where they emigrated many years ago, she and her siblings play games on the rooftop terrace, float paper boats, and make shadow puppets under the glow of flashlights. When the store closes, the girl dances to celebrate her day. Amelia Lau Carling's thoroughly American children loved her childhood stories about Guatemala so much that she wrote them down for others."

in the afternoon, the students decorated their boxes for our Valentine's party today

and created bingo dot heart art. you can see this pin on my <3 Day board. it wouldn't link back up to its original post :(