
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day SWAP

<3 <3 <3 Today has been all about Valentine's Day! <3 <3 <3
This morning, we had SWAP (stations with a purpose). 
The students made a special Valentine snack with Ms. Kim. They learned how to make Rice Krispy treats and punch!

In Ms. Kaley's room the students learned about their hearts. They learned that the heart pumps blood to their bodies. They jogged and felt that their heart beats faster and noticed that it beats slower when they are resting. The students also learned that the heart is the size of their fist. Ms. Kaley also read Our Hearts to the students.
"In Our Hearts, children learn what the heart is, how it pumps blood through the body, and how to keep it healthy."

And the students also watched What's a heart? YouTube video

The students made special valentines for their parents in Ms. Brooke's room and read Valentine's Day Is...

"Valentine's Day is candy hearts, flowers, and chocolate truffles. It is Valentine cards galore. Most of all, it is a time to share with family and friends, and a time to say "I love you."

And in my room, we read The Valentine Express and discussed valentines and why we give them. I asked the students what love meant to them and then we recorded those answers on the handprint heart cards we made just for you!

Love is hugs and kisses.

Love is hugs.

Love is hugs and kisses.

Love is silly.

Love is special and nice.

Love is hugs and kisses.

Love is hugging.

"Minna, an appealing rabbit character, comes up with a great Valentine’s Day project which involves enlisting her little brother to do kind things for their neighbors."

This afternoon, we played a snowflake letter matching game. The snowflakes would break when they tapped the correct one.

We are enjoying the last week of our Valentine sensory tub.

And they played the Valentine game on Starfall.