
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Monday's snapshot

we began our morning practicing the correct formation of the letter Vv.

we learned to play a new game using environmental print, I have ---. Who has ---.
I started us off with Applebees, saying Who has Applebees? 
the person holding the Applebees card says, I have Applebees. who has M&M's?
and the game keeps going. also great game to put focus on using complete sentences.

I used Half a Day in PreK's environmental print book which you can find {here}!

we also read The Pot That Juan Built today.
"Quezada creates stunning pots in the traditional style of the Casas Grandes people, including using human hair to make brushes and cow dung to feed the fire. This real-life story is written in the form of "The House That Jack Built," and relays how Juan’s pioneering work has changed a poor village into a prosperous community of world-class artists."

I'm sure you can imagine how funny it was for the students to learn what manure is :D

we also played an environmental print matching game. I found this game on kindergarten kindergarten's blog. easy to do- print out two copies of her printable, cut into cards, and laminate. 

we also constructed towers using linking cubes...

put together some Valentine puzzles...

and wrote in our journals.