
Monday, April 22, 2013

today's snapshot

I'm glad to be back! It was a wonderful conference and I am so glad I had the opportunity to listen to such wonderful speakers and spend time with other dedicated pre-k teachers. I am, however, glad to be home!

we started the morning off by practicing writing the #3...

and we finished up our letter assessments. I found this on Making Learning Fun's webpage.

we learned all about Earth Day today. here are a few stories that we read:
"Earth Day is on the way, and Ryan, Luke, and Carly have a plan. If they manage to collect and recycle 5,000 aluminum cans, they can make enough money to buy some beautiful flowers for nearby Gilroy Park.
CAN they do it?
Counting the cans gives Ryan, Luke, and Carly -- along with readers -- a lesson in place value. And facts about recycling throughout the story will help readers understand how important it is to take care of the earth."

"Attractive color illustrations and easy-to-follow text combine to present factual information that younger boys and girls will readily absorb and understand. The Three R's: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle is one in a series of four entertaining What Do You Know About? books, for very young children. It describes the ways in which kids and their families can avoid waste and be environmentally conscious. Four pages presenting activities for children appear at the back of the book, followed by a two-page section for parents, with tips on explaining the subject in more detail."

we dumped out our "junk box" and organized our recyclables into categories.


plastic bags 

plastic bottles 

we also brainstormed a list of recyclables. it's not too late to add to our "junk box!"

we started our art project this morning. I found this project, Hand(print)s Around the World, on Meet the Dubiens blog. love it!

and we finished the project after softball practice by adding faces, hair, and arms to our people. I will post pictures and videos from softball tomorrow. :)

we had a special Earth Day jello snack today! the blue jello is the water, the green jello is the land, and the whipped cream is the clouds. yummy!