
Thursday, November 8, 2012

today's snapshot

I have loved, loved, loved the ones turned in already! Awesome job!
We had music this morning practicing one more week for our Thanksgiving Program. We hope to see you there!
We continued our discussion on balls today.
Our question of the day:
The guessing jar contained 8 gumballs.

And of course everyone got to have a gumball to chew on until lunch :D
Then we started watching The Magic School Bus Super Sports Fun. which we will have to finish tomorrow.

This afternoon after snack, we walked over the Tiger Stadium. BIG game happening tonight when UNA travels to play us at home @ 6:30 pm. We are headed to the Tiger Walk in just a few minutes!

Then we finished today's lessons. We played Clap a Friend's Name which is to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and we clapped each syllable of each student's name.
Clap a friend's name with me,
Name with me,
Name with me.
Clap a friend's name with me,
Let's try Jaysa.
Jay-sa, Jay-sa, Jay-sa.
(clap-clap), (clap-clap), (clap-clap)
Then we played Step Up. We used our Question of the Day. Each child had to "step up" to the board and point to a circle they could recognize, then circle it, which teaches the concept of a letter.