
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

week of August 24 | snapshot

We had another busy week last week!
And we learned our first sight word-the!
When we learn a new sight word, we make a sight word watch...
sing our chant Hickety Pickety Bumblebee everyday...

high five our Tiger Tap sight word every time we pass it on the cubbies outside...

and are always on the lookout for it during the day in books, during videos, etc... I hope you are, too!

Ms. Kim took the class on a literacy walk to Lyon Hall to visit Ms. Annie at the Curriculum library last week. William was excited to see his mom! 

The class also stopped by to visit with Dr. Miller, the Dean of Education. 

And Dr. Kimbrough, the Dean of Graduate Studies.

And Ms. Traci, the Teacher Certification Officer.

And Ms. Pam, Ms. Traci's Assistant. 
Whew! They had a busy trip! ;)

And it wasn't even over!
They visited all the fish in Bibb Graves on the way back to school! 

 The students are getting better each time at Write the Room.

A few of our math journals this week focused on position words.

In social studies, we talked about different ways the students can help their families. We discussed ways to be a helper at home and created a “helping hands” poster by tracing hand prints, cutting them out, and writing what we can do to be a helper. 

 Since it was All About Us, the students measured classroom objects to find items that matched their height.

And we couldn't leave out the family pets! And if the students didn't have a pet at home, they told us what their dream pet would be! :) The students did well graphing, then counting to find out who had the most pets and who had the least in their home.

Here are our circle maps for Ee and Ff.

Ee and Ff were a breeze last week!

Our shape last week was triangle. We talked about where we see triangles during Morning Meeting and on Friday, they got to draw where they've seen it. 

Our colors last week were blue and green and we talked about where we've seen them during Morning Meeting, too.

Our Shared Reading book last week was Grandpa, Grandpa.

The students really enjoy illustrating their version for a classroom book every Friday!

To end our Families week, each student was asked to bring in a family picture to share. They spoke about the people in their family, what they were doing in their picture, the similarities and differences in hair and eyes, any pets they have, etc... These pictures are now framed and the students chose where they wanted them in the classroom. :) #happyclassrooms

Students shared their families even if they didn't have a picture to show :)

Then we graphed the number of people that lived in our homes.

limited centers:

literacy: letter Ee and Ff spotting in Big Books

discovery: play-dough and family and pet cookie cutters

dramatic play: housekeeping/set up for Family Life


BodyParts game


pet counters

people connectors


construct houses out of blocks