
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

week of March 30 |snapshot|

we continued our study on the life cycles of different bugs this week with honeybees, houseflies, and ladybugs. we learned many fun and gross facts, looked at lots of gross pictures and videos, and learned a lot!

here I let the students figure out how to make handprint honeybees. it didn't take them long at all to talk it out together. they turned out really great!

the students also decorated the Egg Tree all be themselves :D

my first April Fool's Day. 

with Kindergartners. 


there was Saran Wrap.

and the switching of nameplates.

and laughter.

and why did the chicken cross the road? jokes.

and just in case you wondered, it's to get his underwear! 

 to get to the movies!

 and because he wanted to go to the chicken coop!

 for morning snack, I made the students bacon and eggs. I thought that was so sweet. 
I don't understand why they were so distraught! 
so it was candy and pretzels and not really bacon and eggs. April Fools!

the students did really well with Bunny Directed Drawing and Measurements!
click {here} for this freebie 

and for afternoon snack I slaved over the hot stove and made brown E's for the students' dessert. 
again, I didn't understand why they were so distraught! ;)

such a fun day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh. and we learned about the history of April Fool's Day. 

The History
 In the 16th century, France celebrated the New Year just like we do today, except they partied on April 1st. In 1562, Pope Gregory changed the calendar to the one we use today and from then on, the New Year began on January 1st. Lots of peeps didn’t know about the new calendar, or they ignored the new calendar and kept celebrating on April 1st. Everyone else called them April fools and played tricks on them. Fools 

Around the World
 In France today, April 1st is called Poisson d’Avril, which means April Fish. Children tape paper fish to their friends’ backs and when the young “fool” finds out, the prankster yells “Poisson d’Avril!” In England, tricks can only be played in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a “noodle.” In Scotland, you are called an “April gowk,” which is another name for a cuckoo bird. In Portugal, April Fools’ is celebrated on the Sunday and Monday before Lent. Pranksters usually throw flour at their friends.

click {here} to see the free activity pack I used on teachers pay teachers

here the students are completing a 100's Chart Hidden Easter Egg Picture.

our Shared Reading book this week was The Wicked Pirates. the students illustrated what they thought was in Wicked Pete's pirate sack.

Ms. Kim found a caterpillar on the playground and shared it with us!

we had our awesome Easter Party on Thursday and Kyler even visited with as that day, too! 
thanks for the yummy treats, parents!


and that Friday, we had our annual Spring field trip to the Barnyard in Tuscaloosa.
we began our trip with feeding and petting the wonderful animals and new baby animals on site :)

then we rode the pony!

and took a boat ride and fed some fish!

we took a break and had a snack...

while Ms. Jaysa, Ms. Annie, and Ms. Brooke hid the Easter eggs!


we always enjoy this trip and it is well worth the ride!
click {here} for their website!

journal writings:

what did you do for Spring Break? 

do you have an umbrella? what color is it? 

what was your favorite April Fool's joke? 


limited centers:

dramatic play center- decorate the Easter egg tree

art center- Easter egg patterns and different mediums

block center- open

math center- Easter Basket Roll and Cover 

discovery center- April sensory tub, Easter cookie cutters and play-dough

computer- online games

Listening Center- Spiders