
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Save the Date- Egg Hunt and Barnyard Field Trip

The UWA Campus School will be going to The Barnyard in Tuscaloosa on Friday, April 3rd. We will be doing our egg hunt there, as well as looking at all of the new spring baby animals to go along with our unit.
-         We will leave the Campus School by 8:15 a.m.
-         Cost is $12 per child and $12 per parent. We are asking that everyone from Ms. Kim’s room please have an adult go on the field trip with them.
-         Everyone attending will need to bring a lunch with a drink and students need to bring their Easter basket.  We will have tubs to put the lunches in and coolers for the drinks.  We will be eating lunch at The Barnyard before leaving.  If a child is riding with a parent, you are welcome to leave at the end of the field trip and take your child to lunch somewhere.
-         All students need to bring 10 plastic eggs filled with wrapped candy by Thursday, April 2nd. Easter parties will take place this day as well. 

-         All classes are going on the field trip.  If you choose for your child not to go, they will not be able to attend school on this day.