
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Oh my! How the days flew by! 100 days at Campus School!

2015 started my 11th year in teaching and I can honestly say these 100 days have flown by the fastest. I never thought I would've enjoyed moving up to K5 as much as I have. we have had so much fun and I have learned just as much from this awesome group of kids as I hope they have learned from me. the days have honestly flown by!

here is just a glimpse at the awesome celebration we had last friday for our 100th day...

each student was asked to fill their hot air balloon with 100 items :)

Miss Hunter read the students a book about 100 days of school.

and Ms. Annie bought everyone a copy of The 100th Day Party!

the students had fun coloring in certain numbers on the 100 Chart to see a hidden picture!

they also got a kick seeing themselves at age 100 using the app AgingBooth!

(you can get this free template here)

we also had fun making a yummy snack! the students made a 100 piece snack by getting 10 pieces each of popcorn, corn pops, golden grahams, honey combs, fruit loops, skittles, pretzels, chocolate chips, marshmallows, and cheddar penguins.

Miss Hunter decorated the backdoor as 100 for us, too 

the students also enjoyed playing the dice game where they had to estimate how many times they thought it would take them to roll to 100 and then actually do it!

I loved these answers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!