
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Parent Night

We had an awesome turnout for our parent night!
Our Parent Presentation last night was on "What we do in Early Childhood Education at the Campus School." 
Dr. Minear's CE310 Introduction to Early Childhood class used this meeting as their final project.  They presented a "Centers Fair" where parents could look at the different centers and ask questions.  
The teachers were set up in classrooms and had the opportunity to spotlight one center and explain its importance. Our students participated in the featured centers with the assistance of our work studies. Parents were invited to tour the Centers Fair and each classroom to see "what we do."
My room was the Block Center room. We had boxes and blocks, no-ends, cube blocks and a scale, and a sensory tub set out for parents to see what we do on a weekly basis. The web below shows how blocks can be used to teach a concept from every content area.
Thank you to the parents who came, Dr. Minear and her students, our work studies, and the International Program which provided the pizza dinner. We are successful with the help of so many!