
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

today's snapshot

Dr. Satcher's PE class came yesterday afternoon to play :)

in between dance and gymnastics today, we fingerpainted the #1 and #2!

we also watched Mr. Furry Fur Fur learn what recycling means on YouTube.

and we watched the picture book What Does It Mean to Go Green? on YouTube.

we talked again today about reusing items instead of throwing them away. I passed around some toilet paper rolls and asked the students "What could you do with these? How could reuse them? Could you make something new?"
a car

a telescope

a purse

a bow

we had our second read-aloud with The Paper Bag Princess today.
"The Princess Elizabeth is slated to marry Prince Ronald when a dragon attacks the castle and kidnaps Ronald. In resourceful and humorous fashion, Elizabeth finds the dragon, outsmarts him, and rescues Ronald --- who is less than pleased at her un-princess-like appearance."

and we also read Recycle Every Day!
"Minna, a creative bunny, wants to win the Community Recycling Calendar Contest. She knows a lot about recycling but just can’t come up with the perfect idea for her poster. Minna’s family helps her find inspiration as they share their own recycling efforts. The book’s bright, bold cut-paper illustrations are enhanced by Wallace’s use of recycled materials such as bubble wrap, envelopes, and wallpaper."

this afternoon, we sorted recyclables. you can print this activity for free {here},

colored a rag coat and recalled information from our morning story Joseph Had a Little Overcoat,
"Joseph had a little overcoat, but it was full of holes—just like this book! When Joseph's coat got too old and shabby, he made it into a jacket. But what did he make it into after that? And after that?"

and read books in the reading center.

yesterday was celebrating teachers day for The Week of the Young Child.
thank you to Addison for my awesome cup!
to Ms. Annie for my great lunch!
and to Rebecca for the fantastic cup of goodies! :)
today we celebrate our awesome parents! moms and dads, pick up some cookies on your way in or out this afternoon. thank you for being such huge supporters of this awesome school!