The COE Senior Block students presented a Science Fair this morning for our students and will also be at Open House this afternoon 3-5 pm. There were many interesting stations that we visited. The first station was Making Predictions. The students predicted whether or not a Ziploc bag of water would leak if a pencil was pushed through the bag.
our next stop was Constellations.
the students looked at several constellations...
and then created their own!
we moved on the Air station where students predicted the number of breaths it would take to fill an umbrella bag.
the students got to blow into the bags and keep one as a souvenir.
next we visited the Colors center. Here the students reviewed color names and got to make colors using water colors.
At the Clouds station, the students discussed sinking and floating which were demonstrated using bars of soap.
then the students watched what happens when a bar of Ivory soap is put in the microwave. it makes a cloud!
our final station, The Bubbling Blob, introduced students to water and oil and what happens when they are mixed.
water and oil were mixed in a tube...
and color tablets were dropped in...
shake shake shake!!!
lots of bubbles to see!
after every station, the students used the last two minutes to record what they learned using words and/or pictures.
we finished up our journals in the classrooms after the Fair was over.
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