
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

today's snapshot

We made Q's with play-doh this morning!

we also watched The Quinceanera (see below) eBook

today's clothing stories:

"A modern adaptation of this favorite Jewish folktale describes how the blanket grandfather had made for young Joseph is transformed over the years into a jacket, a button, and, ultimately, a story." Amazon

"When she is about to turn fifteen, Rosa's family prepares for her quinceƤnera by sewing her a beautiful dress to wear and cooking a magnificent feast to be enjoyed by all. Includes note on how cloth is made."  All Bookstores

we talked about patterns and made our own patterns

Ms. Alexis visited us and taught us Spanish. We learned to say hello, goodbye, good night, and my name is.
we learned about seamstresses, hemming, tailoring, and stitching.
our question of the day:
this afternoon, we made patterns in our journals

and painted coats to go along with our story from yesterday, The Rag Coat 
and built with no-ends