This morning, in between dance and gymnastics sessions, we fingerpainted Oo's.
Our clothing stories for the day:

"The day before school starts, Mama takes her five little monkeys shopping for clothes. "Stay right here," she says, "AND DON'T GO WANDERING OFF!" But one little monkey has to go to the bathroom . . . and two little monkeys get thirsty. . . . Then three little monkey friends arrive . . . and four little monkeys decide to go help find the others. . . . Will Mama ever have all five of her little monkeys together again?
"Lisa's mother warns her to take everything out of her pockets before washing.
Pockets! Corduroy doesn't have any pockets! The furry bear's search for a pocket of his own takes him on an adventure filled with the sights, sounds, smells and hazards of the Laundromat. As a result, Lisa and her beloved bear become separated as Corduroy ends up locked inside the Laundromat all night. And what do bears do all night in places like this? They ski in the soap flakes and nap in the baskets, of course!
Fortunately, Lisa returns early the next morning to reclaim her tired little friend. Soon, Lisa is sewing Corduroy a pocket of his very own and again all is well in the life of Corduroy."
question of the day:
journal writing:
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