
Friday, April 22, 2016

next week

Sunday, April 24, 2016---
Kalley, Eian, and Mrs. Alison’s Birthday

Tuesday, April 26, 2016---
Kalley’s Birthday Party/Pony Ride (All students MUST have a signed release form to participate in this portion of the party.)

Wednesday, April 27, 2016---
Dance and gymnastics---Please come dressed for dance.
Alabama Walk @ School Day presented by BlueCross BlueShield Alabama---Dr. Satcher’s class will assist Campus School students in walking at school from Hughes Gymnasium to Campus School. Please send comfortable shoes for your child to participate. (In the event of inclement weather, students will be walking inside Hughes Gymnasium.)
Reading with Mrs. Annie at Lyon Hall---Mrs. Jaysa’s class at 2:30

Thursday, April 28, 2016---
Dance and gymnastics practice at Bibb Graves Auditorium
Pizza Day
Music with Ms. Kim at 3:15
Mrs. Jaysa’s class to Sumter Academy for The Little Bit Circus---They will leave at 8:15a.m.  All children MUST have a signed release form and a carseat to participate.

Friday, April 29, 2016---
CMA DANCE RECITAL DRESS REHEARSAL---Students that are participating in the CMA Recital must come to dress rehearsal on Friday, April 29, 2016 at Bibb Graves Auditorium. Please be there dressed and ready for pictures by 6:00p.m. Students will have individual and group shots made tonight. Please review the Do’s and Don’ts for the recital to make sure you have everything you need. Please remember this is a closed rehearsal and you should not invite anyone today.

Sunday, May 1, 2016---
CMA Recital at 3:00
Students who will be getting dressed at Bibb Graves must arrive by 2:00 to ensure enough time to be ready for the performance at 3:00.
Students who are already dressed may arrive at 2:30. Please refer to the CMA Do’s and Don’ts form to ensure you have correct times and items needed for the recital.