
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

week of October 5 | snapshot

Last week was all about shadows.
We are shadows made?

Do all objects have shadows?

Are shadows always black?

How can we make shadows that are not black?

What do people do with shadows? 

 To find out how shadows are made we made shadows in the classroom because the sun wasn't cooperating  much and we watched Sid the Science Kid Shadow Investigation to see if you can see color or texture in shadows.

Then the students made shadow art.  First the students drew a picture on white paper. Then they drew the same picture on a piece of black paper. Then they glued their shadow beside their picture.

To find out if all shadows are black, I tested with students by putting color paddles in front of white light to see how it affects the shadow. 

To find out what people do with shadows, we watched Shadow Hands. 
The students had a blast in dramatic play putting on shadow puppet plays all week!

We watched Peppa the Pig Shadows.

I read the poem “My Shadow” by Robert Louis Stevenson and then asked them 
to draw what they thought “the shadow” looks like.

Then we watched The Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr. Seuss. 
The students liked guessing what the shadows were before the words were read.

The students put together and read their emergent readers, Colors of Fall.
My hopes is that they read them to you, as well!
{click here for this freebie}

Libby read hers to the class and they followed along!

Our Write the Room this week was Catch a Critter. The students either had to find the card with the critter and write the letters that were in their name next to the picture... or write the capital letter on the card in the box next to the picture... or decide which of the letter sounds the picture begins with and write it in the box. They really look forward to the theme of Write the Room each week!
{click here for this freebie}

The students were introduced to Monster Tally this week. We have worked on tallying in other activities. They had to find a monster and write the corresponding tally marks on their paper. 
click here for the freebie

limited centers:

dramatic play- add a flashlight and puppets so students can create shadow stories

math- Shadow Statues file folder game- match statues to the correct shadows

discovery- add students’ silhouettes for students to identify themselves and their friends

listening- Gregory’s Shadow

art/writing- add black paint for adding shadows to paintings

blocks- add a flashlight so students can see shadows of their structures

We had some special visitors that got us real excited for the UWA Rodeo!
William's cousin, Daniel, came with a couple of his awesome friends and even brought some goodies! :D #happyclassrooms