
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

last week's snapshot

the students really enjoyed learning operations and algebraic thinking representing subtraction using die, counters, and an equation through a game last week!

our unit Christmas Around the World was introduced to and discussed with the students last week. we will be "traveling" to New Orleans, South America, China, England, and back home by different modes of transportation and learning about how and if they celebrate Christmas. we will discuss what the weather is like before traveling there and pack our "suitcase," we will be looking at the different foods at each stop, which will be our menu, and see how long it takes for us to get from place to place.

to start our unit we made our suitcases using a pizza box.

and we also made our passports and researched what real passports looked like online and what they are used for.

this is a picture of some of the students making a sign for the bus we used to travel to New Orleans, Tiger Tailways.

we had a great time last Tuesday at the lighting of the UWA Christmas Tree.

the students also had fun writing letters to Santa which we mailed at the post office and will also be in the newspaper!

here the students are addressing their envelopes to Santa :)

and helping Miss Jarhonda put a copy of the letters on the bulletin board.

we enjoyed spending Marissa's birthday with her and thank her for the yummy donuts she brought for  morning snack!

our first stop in Christmas Around the World was New Orleans, LA. after researching the weather, we saw they were having similar weather to ours so we packed clothes similar to what we were wearing. 

we also researched how they spent their Christmas and the students enjoyed hearing the jazzy music and seeing a picture of Santa with a crawfish the most! below you will see pictures of us riding the Tiger Tailways bus to New Orleans and me, the crazy bus driver. ;) we learned that it would take about 3 1/2 hours to get to New Orleans from Livingston, which is 7 Dora the Explorers. 

the students are placing their luggage in the back of the bus.

the students had a great time dancing along with this Christmas Just Dance video. watch how good they did!

this week in centers the students made ornaments and cookies with play-dough and cookie cutters, counted out marshmallows with snowman clothespins in math, made ornaments for our tree in art, wrote cards in writing, decorated our tree in dramatic play, and played Christmas games in computer.

the students loved the Magic Lights I made for them. they were very surprised to see sight words appear before their eyes!

we also had fun doing reindeer glyphs!

our second stop in Christmas Around the World was South America. after researching the weather, we saw it was rainy that day (I chose Brazil to look up) so we packed clothes to protect us from rain, like hats and boots. 

we researched how they spent their Christmas and found out that Santa is called Papa Noel. we also learned that instead of Christmas trees, Presepios (or nativity scenes) are put up.  we learned that it would take a little over 7 1/2 hours to get to Brazil from New Orleans, which is a little over 15 Dora the Explorers. below you can see us on our cruise ship with Miss M'Lynn, our captain. I passed out our departing tickets and luggage (which I mixed up and they got a kick out of :) )