while I was out Friday, Ms. Kim made sure the students stayed busy and had fun!
they made ghosts and goblins from the letter G then painted clothes for them to wear. each student painted, cut, and glued the clothes for his/her ghost or goblin. they made one of each. they had to tell Ms. Kim about the colors they chose and what they drew for their ghost/goblin to wear.
we practiced the correct formation of Hh this morning.
and we began our week's discussion of the features of clothes.
we began the discussion with our question of the day:
then we watched the Goldilocks and the Three Bears eBook on the smartboard.
afterwards we talked about small, medium, and large.
next I had 2 shirts for the students to explore. they found the tag and then looked to see if there was a letter on the tag. we talked about how children's clothing sometimes had a letter, number, or a letter and number together telling them the size of the shirt.
then each student came up and I read the tag aloud. we then made a tally sheet of tags using numbers and tags using letters.
during limited centers, we practiced lacing...
built washing machines...
washed and hung up clothes to dry on the clothesline...
and explored the October sensory tub.
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