we began the day by learning to write the letter Ii correctly.
and we are working on our Halloween classroom book that will be coming home soon!
I found this on Mrs. Miner's Monkey Business blog a couple of years ago and do it every year.
The kids like seeing themselves as Frankenstein :)
Miss Brittany found a sweet baby lizard at the school and stopped by for the students to check him out!
we spent our lesson time learning about Columbus and his importance.
we made a ship handprint painting for art.
first, the students painted clouds at the top of their papers.
then blue water at the bottom.
next they added a brown handprint for the ship...
and added some sails and a title.
in limited centers, the students worked on jack-o-lantern glyphs which is a great activity for following directions.
this is another activity I like to do with my class each October.
there are lots to choose from on the internet but this year I used Mathwire's jack-o-lantern glyph.
the students listened to Excuse Me...Are You a Witch? in the library...
then got to design their very own witch stockings!
last week the students listened to Red Dancing Shoes and started working on making a boot and learning to lace. they got to finish that up today.
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