
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday's snapshot

today, the students painted a magic picture. I found this idea on Laura Kelly's website. Friday I asked the students to choose one design from Ms. Kim's Pumpkin Masters pumpkin carving kit. Then I transferred that design onto a piece of paper using only Elmer's glue to make the pattern.

today, I told the students to paint the paper using watercolors and to watch what happened.
the paint stuck only to the paper, not the glue!

then we went outside and the students sprayed water on their paper and watched the paint run together.

it didn't turn out quite like I wanted but we had fun!

we had a Chinese lesson from our GA, Mr. Bowen today. we learned how to say "Go Tigers!"
(jia you, lao hu)

we read Abuela's Weave today. 

"This story is about the importance of family pride and personal endurance introduces children to the culture of Guatemala through the eyes of little Esperanza, who works with her abuela--her grandmother--on weavings to sell at the public market."

next, I gave each student a strip of paper and asked them to decorate it.

we then went outside with our strips of paper and practiced weaving on the chain link fence.

we came in and Stepped Up to find and circle the letter Jj before we lined up for lunch.

Monday's snapshot

as always on Mondays, we practice the correct formation of letters. this week we will be studying the letter Kk.

we also finished up our Monster patterns!

during large group we talked about different types of materials.
the students were able to feel and describe burlap...


cotton and denim...



and sequins...

then we read The Paper Bag Princess

"The Princess Elizabeth is slated to marry Prince Ronald when a dragon attacks the castle and kidnaps Ronald. In resourceful and humorous fashion, Elizabeth finds the dragon, outsmarts him, and rescues Ronald --- who is less than pleased at her un-princess-like appearance."

then we turned paper bags into clothes and the students designed them all by themselves!