
Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Royal 100th Day of School

We are going to do something a little different this year for our 100th day of school, which we will be celebrating on Tuesday, February 5th.  We are going to royally crown the students 100 days smarter.

We will all dress up in our finest J and celebrate our 100th day like true kings and queens. This Friday we will send home a crest with your family name at the top. The students will need to bring this crest back to school by Tuesday with 100 things on it that represents their family.  It can be 100 stickers of something your child likes, 100 pieces of his/her favorite cereal, anything that your child likes that represents them or the family can be used.  We will use these crests to decorate for our festivities. 

If you have any decorations that you would let us use for this special day, please let Ms. Annie know.  We’d love for parents to help with this!