
Monday, November 17, 2014

last week's snapshot

another busy week here at the CS!
the students learned a new math game, Bean Out, where they rolled a die and covered the number rolled.

they all did an awesome job in our annual Disguise the Turkey Project!

and we started our study off with our KWL chart.

the students looked at the clothes they were wearing and described the colors, styles, and textures of what they saw. we talked about the clothes and decided how to group them together. we talked about what we noticed were the same and different from the others. I asked them how they decided which clothes to wear to school today, what their favorite kinds of clothes were and why. then we read our clothing labels to find out where our clothes were made and located the countries on a map.

During our Open House and Spring Registration, Dr. Minear's class chose different celebrations around the world to share with the students. Take a moment to visit the Celebrations Around the World with us!


Dr. Howard's students taught us about tornadoes and Thanksgiving, too!

we have been preparing hard for our Thanksgiving Feast!!!

and we also got to visit the Science Lab at Bibb Graves to see all the critters...

writing journals: