we started the morning practicing writing U's in the salt tray.
during large group, we discussed 3D shapes and brainstormed a list 3D shapes we see in everyday life.
cube: ice cube, box, block
cone: ice cream cone, icicle, castle, party hat
cylinder: vase, drum, glass, Coke can, canned food
pyramid: desert, tent, roof
then we learned how to play a new game called Hot or Cold 3D Shapes.
each child had a turn to be "the hider" of a 3D shape and "the finder."
the hider would hide a 3D shape somewhere in the classroom.
as the finder would walk around the classroom, the students would say Hot! when the finder got close to the shape and Cold! when the finder moved away from it.
question of the day:
then we referred back to the floor plans we made to count the classrooms. 5 :)
we have discussed that a model is a smaller version of something, like a building.
we read Changes, Changes again today and I made copies of the structures the characters made with blocks.
"The little wooden couple are happy in their building-block house -- until it catches fire. The solution? They transform the house into a fire engine! But then there's so much water that they have to build a boat... "
in limited centers, the students looked at the pages and reconstructed a model using blocks.
(special thank you to the Hoopers for donating the city landscape for our building unit!)
we also made Stick Letters with popsicle sticks. we discussed straight lines in letters and numbers and how some letters or numbers could not be made with popsicle sticks because they had curved lines. I verbally gave the students a letter and asked them to make the letter with their popsicle sticks. they did awesome!
the students also chose what puzzles they would put together and spent time on Starfall's letter U song learning about the 2 sounds the vowel U makes.
the students have been working hard constructing their town in the library. they have constructed houses from milk cartons and will be putting shingles on today. we will also be naming our town and deciding what will be added. stay tuned!
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