
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wednesday's snapshot

we fingerpainted Mm's this morning :)

and Stepped Up to circle Mm's in this week's song "Making Music."

we read a version of Little Red Riding Hood and discussed following directions, listening to our parents, what we would have done if we were Little Red Riding Hood, and what we thought Little Red Riding Hood learned. 

question of the day:

we read Glamsters during our Morning Meeting. such a fun book! so...we decided to make our OWN glamsters. check them out!

"Harriet the hamster has a problem. All around her at Hamster World, hamsters are being adopted, while she and her sister can’t even seem to get noticed. 
Then one day, she finds the answer. She will go from hamster to glamster! with a fabulous hamster makeover. With a little bit of carrot seed oil, whisker extensions, and a two-tone claw polish, all her dreams will come true…or will they? "

the students also explored corn husks with magnifying glasses...

and enjoyed the uniforms in Dramatic Play.