
Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday's snapshot

we practiced writing Nn's on the smartboard this morning.

and we spent our large group time learning about the first Thanksgiving.
we learned about the Mayflower and what it was like on its voyage.
we viewed pictures of what it was like in the Pilgrim village's day-to-day life.
we viewed pictures of the Wampanoag tribe. 

we then created a Venn diagram comparing the first Thanksgiving to the Thanksgiving we will have next week.

question of the day:

we also read On the Mayflower by Kate Waters.

"Journeying towards the promise of the New World, young pilgrims William Small, the ship's apprentice, and Ellen Moore, a passenger, form a bond that helps them weather their long, harrowing passage."

we made Pilgrim napkin rings to use at Thanksgiving. they turned out so cute!
I found this idea on Spoonful.

our journal writing for today:

don't forget to mail your traveling gingerbread men so they will be back before Christmas break :)

I hope everybody enjoys their turkey poop :D


first week of December

Monday, December 2nd - Christmas Program at the Sub- The kids need to wear Christmas pajamas and be at the SUB by 5:45. The teachers will watch them while the parents get a seat. After our performance, the students will go to sit with their parents. Please make sure they stay seated during the rest of the program.

Tuesday, December 3rd - Those in the Christmas Concert will practice at Bibb Graves at 2:00. We will take the students there and back.

Wednesday, December 4th and Thursday, December 5th- We will have Dance and Gymnastics, so send the girls’ leotards, tights, and ballet shoes.

Friday, December 6th-  We will take the kids to Bibb Graves to practice that afternoon. All the students will need to be at the concert by 6:45 that night. The concert begins at 7:00. We may move that to an earlier time, but for now we will keep that time. A small group of students will preform at the end of the first half of the concert. Then the entire group will do a few songs with the choir at the beginning of the second half. After that time the kids will come down the aisle, and you are free to take them home or stay for the concert. Below is what the kids need to wear for the concert. This is VERY important, so go ahead and get this now. They will only be allowed on stage if they are in this uniform.

BOYS- We are ordering their pants and a bow tie, and once they are in, we will get them to you. These will be Campus School property and will need to be returned back to the school Monday after the concert. With the black pants and bow tie we are providing, the boys will need to wear a white button up shirt tucked in, a dark belt, and dress shoes of any kind. They cannot wear any type of running or play shoes.

GIRLS- We are ordering their skirts and ribbon for their hair, and once they are in, we will get them to you.  These will be Campus School property and will need to be returned back to the school Monday after the concert.  With the black skirt and red ribbon in their hair that we are providing, the girls will need to wear a white button up shirt tucked in, white tights/stockings, and dress shoes. They cannot wear any type of running or play shoes.

3 Ms. Ashanti’s Bday
 Santa                        Letters Due



Christmas Program at the SUB -6:00

9:00- Prystup Lesson

10:00 Dr. Morse’s Class Lesson
2:00- Practice at Bibb Graves
Dance and Gymnastics

Parent Conferences
Dance and Gymnastics
Pizza Day
Parent Conferences
Practice at Bibb Graves at 1:15
Christmas Concert at 7:00
Parent Conferences

Thursday's snapshot

this morning we had fun making Thanksgiving patterns...

and messy fun writing Nn's in shaving cream :D

we discussed special events that our families have attended and remembered the pictures that Archie shared with us yesterday.

question of the day:

we also Stepped Up and circled Nn's on our song of the week, The Nightingale's Song.

the students had a great time learning to play the Turkey Run game
they took turns rolling the die and moving their marker that many spaces.
whoever reached the end first, won the game.
(after I laminated the game board, I put it on a cookie sheet and used magnets as markers. it made it harder for the markers to slip off and gave the students somewhere to roll the die.)

I played Grayson. and lost.