
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

yesterday's snapshot

we practiced writing Dd's on the white board this morning.

and had our individual school pictures taken. 
this one is not for purchase, just a momento for me :)

we played a game called Let's Make Letters today.

We like letters and we're here to say,
We can make our letters in so many ways.
We can make them with our fingers.
We can make them with our hands.
We can make them with our bodies.
Oh yes, we can!

Lets' make a T.../t/ /t/ /t/.

Let's make a P.../p/ /p/ /p/.

Let's make a C.../c/ /c/ /c/.

We watched Papi, How Many Stars Are In the Sky on the smartboard.

yesterday morning during Morning Meeting, I read A Bad Case of Stripes to the students.
we started creating our own bad case of stripes and finished today.
they turned out really cute!

we read Quinito, Day and Night again today and compared Quinito's schedule to our daily school schedule.
our question of the day:

In the Room of Discovery this week we began by reading Ella Sarah Gets Dressed, and we talked about our clothes and how we get dressed up for certain occasions like Picture Day this week. After the book, each student looked in a full length mirror to see all of their features about himself or herself. We then began drawing self portraits and added hair and clothing to the portraits! The students got to pick their hair color from yarn and fabric colors and textures for their clothes and glued them onto their portrait. We will do this again at the end of the year to see how their portraits have changed! To see each student’s portrait, please visit the ROD room. Also, check out our grass growing hair from last week in the window seal!

Monday in library the students listened to a story, colored an apple tree, added red apples (fingerprints), and counted the apples.