
Friday, August 23, 2013

today's snapshot

we welcomed a new friend, Kielei, to our classroom this morning!

for our last day practicing Aa, we used our smartboard.

our question of the day:

this week, I introduced the students to a t-graph. today, they got to write their own name as their vote.

we played a new game this morning. the students listened to the tempo of my tambourine and moved their bodies accordingly.

here is a video of the students combining musical instruments with Humpty Dumpty :)

since we have talked about our friends' names and names in the classroom this week, today we toured the school to see what other names we could find.

we read the signs on this door "kitchen" and "employees only." 

we read the signs on the restroom doors.

we peeked into Dr. Minear's classroom.

and visited with Ms. Annie, our director.

we discussed the name on the library door. 

and visited the teachers' workroom.

and most importantly, we visited our safe/storm room. we will have a drills each month to practice our routines.

great job on the environmental print homework! 

and here are our family pictures framed and placed around the room. the students will have a little piece of home here at school.

here we are having lunch together family-style. :)

our read-aloud today was Wemberly Worried.

"Wemberly worried about spilling her juice, about shrinking in the bathtub, even about snakes in the radiator. She worried morning, noon, and night. "Worry, worry, worry," her family said. "Too much worry." And Wemberly worried about one thing most of all: her first day of school. But when she meets a fellow worrywart in her class, Wemberly realizes that school is too much fun to waste time worrying!"

we also read I Can Be Anything!
"When I grow up, what shall I be?

This exuberant book offers up everything from a paper plane folder to a puppy dog holder, from a silly joke teller to a snowball smoother."

thought you might want to see your sleeping beauties :D

this afternoon, the students looked in a mirror and drew their self-portraits...

explored Zac Browser...

had free draw...

and explored the tangram puzzles.

we have had a great 1st week!!!