
Monday, August 27, 2012

today's snapshot

Today we began our discussion on feelings. We discussed the feeling sad and what makes us sad. Today's read aloud was Wemberly Worried.

We discussed what we could do when we were feeling sad or scared at school. Besides talking to our teachers and friends, there is a special spot in our classroom where students can take a break whenever they feel like it. In our classroom, that spot is called the Cozy Corner. It has a bean bag, pillows, stuffed animals, and books the students can use while they take a break from the world.

We also began practicing our A's today. We started with an A dry erase sheet. Unfortunately, I cannot remember where I downloaded these. :(

We also made A's using our play-do mats.

I introduced the daily journal to the students today. We will be writing in our journals during our afternoon Small Group time. Today's vocabulary word was SAD. The students had to draw about a time they were sad and write the word.

And here are a few pics from today: in the art center, on the playground observing a ladybug, and dancing with scarves to the tempo.




Barbara L said...

Hi Jaysa,
Thanks for following Ruby Slippers :)
BTW, do you know your posts are in your sidebar?

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