
Friday, October 30, 2015

next week

We survived a wonderful, spooktacular week and I hope your child made many great memories! 

Next week is busy too, as we are getting ready for our programs. 

I hope you have a safe and Happy Trick-or-Treat Day! :D


Bright Minds Reader, Debbie Robinson at 1:30

Information about Thanksgiving Luncheon and Program/Totem Pole Projects will be in your child's mailbox

Dental screening forms due

November Newsletter will go home 

Pre-K and K-5 Christmas Concert practice with Mr. Williams at 9:30
Reading with Ms. Jenna @ 10:00 Jaysa's class

Pre-K and K-5 Christmas Concert practice with Mr. Williams at 1:30
Dance and Gymnastics 9:30-11:30 am
Pizza Day

Pajama/popcorn/movie party with Ms. Kim and Mrs. BeBe
All teachers will be at a workshop here on campus from 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. 

Pre-K and K-5 Christmas Concert practice with Mr. Williams at 1:30
UWA vs Mississippi College  
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

week of October 12 | snapshot

I was not here very much during this study because Bennett was so sick,
 but I am posting what pictures I do have. :(
This was our ant study but it was also our Homecoming Week here at UWA.

Tuesday was Wacky Tacky Day!

Wednesday was Cowboys and Indians Day.

We had fun in math with our Ants in Our Pants counting activity!

limited centers:

listening- Mary Wore Her Red Dress

art/writing- add black stamp pad for fingerprint ants

fingerpainting ants

discovery- Play-dough ants

blocks- build an anthill

dramatic play- add a picnic basket, tablecloth or small blanket to have the picnic on; play food and plates and, of course, plastic bugs to interrupt the picnic with

math- Counting Ants

Race to the Strawberry- roll the dice. count the number then put that many markers over the brown ants. roll again. count the number then put that many markers over the black ants. continue rolling until both the black and brown ants have reached the strawberries.

Thursday was Around the World with UWA!


Our Count the Room was Halloween themed :)

Our class participated in the Great ShakeOut on Thursday along with the UWA campus for earthquake preparedness. We urge everyone to visit to find out what to do in the event of an earthquake. Our school is now set up to take part in this event every year thanks to UWA.
For more information, visit They have lots of information and resources.
Below are pictures of our class participating in the Great ShakeOut at 10:15 am with the campus for an earthquake. 

We are getting close to being finished with our letter boot camp!
The following pictures were taken by the class photographer for the week :)


Saturday we rode in the UWA Homecoming parade! We had a blast as usual! 