
Friday, May 22, 2015

next week

Remember that the Campus School is closed Monday, May 25th for Memorial Day and Friday, May 29th, for a teacher work day.

All students that come on Tuesday must have a release form signed in order to participate in the Spring Fling. Grady Meredith and Wyatt’s moms will have a bouncy house, bubbles, and more for the boys’ birthday party. Thanks Ms. Ashley and Ms. Chandler!

Summer Program begins June 1st at 7:30 am.

Everyone have a safe and happy holiday weekend! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

program information

  • This morning and tomorrow morning we will be practicing for the program at Lyon Hall. We will be practicing each day around 9:15-10:15. If your child gets to school during this time, and we are not here, please bring them to Lyon Hall.
  • The students need to wear summer attire (sun dresses, shorts, and etc..) for the program Friday morning. Students need to be at school by 9:30 a.m. dressed and ready. The program will be at Lyon Hall Auditorium. This is the new education building, the old Livingston High School. The teachers will bring the students. 
  • The teachers will have the portfolios at the program for you to pick up afterwards.  When it is over Ms. Annie will direct parents to where each teacher is to collect portfolios and take pictures with the teacher. You may take your child home after the program, just be sure to let me know. :)

Monday, May 11, 2015

week of May 4 |snapshot|

what a wonderful week of Teacher Appreciation! I was able to leave at eat lunch with the other teachers which NEVER happens and received so many thoughtful gifts. you guys were wonderful! 

I was so glad Ms. Annie and I had the opportunity to take the students to watch the Tigers win the GSC Championship! it was an awesome moment to witness and one I hope they always remember!

after the game, we had just enough time for chips and salsa for Cinco de Mayo...

and pinata fun!

we also finished up our Alabama history books which will be coming home soon!

we also had fun with Cinco de Mayo Addition!!!

I found the idea for our Mother's Day paintings on we looked together at the sample on the projector so they saw the outcome after the glue dried and the watercolors were added and then earlier in the week I let them use the glue and make their own designs.

on Thursday they began adding watercolor where they wanted.

here you can see before...

and after I showed them how to add water with their brush to make the colors run together. the glue will stand out from the paint after it has dried.  I think they turned out beautiful!

Miss Hunter's

Ms. Jaysa's

love, love, love All About Mom questionnaires! my favorite quote from Bennett's was: what would mommy do if she had more time- watch Scandal. how do they know these things??? :)

Muffins for Mom was awesome! thank you for all the moms and grands that were able to come and eat breakfast. I know it's hard to miss work but we love having you here!

this is an extra special Mother's Day for Leah who returned home Friday for good after being stationed overseas. we were blessed to be part of her surprise homecoming and as you can see, Jayla is extremely happy to have her mom home for good. Bless and thank you, Leah and Jermaine for all you do for this country!

Marissa had a collision on the playground that knocked out a loose (thankfully) tooth Friday! 

journal writings:

who is your favorite of the seven dwarfs in Snow White?

what would you like a fairy godmother to do for you?

would you like to be a prince or princess?


what do you think is somewhere over the rainbow?

draw a picture of a fairyland.

the next post will be our graduation program and the last post of the school year. 
where did the time go :(((