
Friday, December 13, 2013

Singing at Sumter County Nursing Home

we have the joy of performing for the nursing home residents every December. I can remember going when I was a child so this is special to my heart.

the dance girls performed first
IMG 6999 from Jaysa Smith on Vimeo.

then everyone joined in to sing a few songs. I wish I had more room on my phone for longer videos but this is all I could capture. they were precious!

IMG 7008 from Jaysa Smith on Vimeo.

the rest of the week

in ROD this week, Ms. Annie had the students paint all of the boxes brought in to make a city.

we are still working on our salt dough handprint ornaments. like I said, work in progress :D

our journal topic was which is your favorite Christmas character: Rudolph, Frosty, or Grinch?

still working...

Friday was our annual Polar Express, Pancakes, and PJ Day.
we started the morning off with Rudolph pancakes :)

try and try again... 

the students used the boxes painted with Ms. Annie in ROD to build the North Pole and used the manipulatives to make toys like they were elves.

and we have succeeded! yes! and the are precious!

we watched Polar Express this morning and had hot chocolate and popcorn at afternoon snack :)

see you Monday!