
Friday, March 23, 2012

Science Lab

In science today we started a recycling program for our school! We read the book The Garden and talked about ways that we could help the Earth. Each class made posters to show that we are recycling cans, plastic bottles, and paper!

We are recycling!
       In science today we talked about ways to help the Earth and made recycling posters! Our recycling bins are now located between the science lab and kitchen, and we are recycling
       Our next Creative Curriculum unit is entitled Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, so beginning in the middle of April, they will be discussing this daily in the classroom.  We would like for the kids to also practice recycling at home.  Please, start saving and sorting these 3 items, and bring them to the school to put in our bins.   The students will really benefit from this unit if they are learning about it both at school and home.  Thank you for your help in this project we have started! 

Easter sensory box

it's that time again! oh, sensory boxes, how I love thee! :)

what you need:
a plastic tub with lid
silk flowers (no stems)
plastic eggs filled with rice and taped
paper Easter basket grass
small Easter items (right now I have a plastic bunny and Easter cookie cutters)
***looking for small wooden eggs***

Thursday, March 22, 2012

happy birthday, julianne!

Julianne, a student in our other 3 year old classroom, had a tea party birthday party this afternoon. It was too precious for me not to share it. They did a wonderful job for a special little big girl!

happy birthday, sweet girl!

spring SWAP part II

happy spring handprint sheep

coffee filter butterflies

edible peeps nests

hatching chick

today's snapshot

And we learned how to draw a house using shapes (in our journals).

learning centers

what can you do with plastic Easter eggs? here's one fine motor use:
(plastic eggs filled with rice, tongs, plastic deviled egg platter)

egg match
(I cut eggs from scrapbook paper and then cut them differently. Students were to match the halves.)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

spring baskets

We completed our craft that we started yesterday. First, we colored our baskets brown.

Then cut the plate in 1/2 and stapled it to another plate creating a basket for our flowers.

Then we glued on pre-cut tissue paper flowers.

Add some Easter grass. Punch two holes in top and add a string for a hanger. What do you have? a hanging basket!